Friday, 4 May 2012

Dreaming of a Bright Winter

So, winter is well on its way and as you walk through your local mall, you will start to notice a trend of colours flowing through out the shops. These colours are usually dull and include colours such as black, plums, dark greens, navy and a lot of grey. These colours are known as the winter palette in the fashion world. I don't know who decides on these colours, but it really frustrates me. Why would you want to be reminded of the dull, cold winter ahead by dull, cold colours? Why should we dress in these boring colours just to compliment the grey sky above us? I object! My view on winter and clothing, is that we should try and brighten winter up. We should stand out in happy, bright colours! So in this post, I am going to share with you my personal winter palette and it includes CORALS, TURQUOISES AND ROYAL BLUES. These colours make me happy:)

Coral and Teal <3 What a combination. These shoes are amazing!!!!
I''ll have three pairs please. Thank you

So back to the boring, dull winter palette that the shops try and force us to wear, you might be thinking "What colours is she talking about exactly?" The photo below illustrates these colours. I am sure you are all to familiar with them.

Let me introduce you to coral....

Coral is a happy, beautiful a shade of pink. It leans towards a mixture of pink and orange. It can either be a light, faint shade or it can be a bright, vibrant colour. The colour was named after the red branch and sponge colour found in the ocean. 

Red Branch Coral

Mother nature's choice of different shades of coral. Nature is a trendsetter!

Coral personally my favourite colour. I wear different shades of coral all the time! To me the colour makes me feel happy. I feel as though I stand out when I wear it. It brightens up my face and compliments my skin tone. But then again, I don't think coral clashes with any skin tone? or hair colour really. It just looks so fabulous on anybody and everybody. I am truly obsessed with coral. Take a look at the fabulosity of this colour below:

Coral looks amazing on any hair colour or skin tone!!! Its looks pretty on blondes, sexy on red heads, sultry on brunettes and vibrant on dark skin tones! Its like the sisterhood of the travelling pants. Where the jeans just suit all four girls? Yeah its like that. So exciting:)

Let me introduce you to Turquoise...

Now with all my newly bought coral pieces. I wasn't quite sure what colour accessories I could pair it with.
I had just bought a new pair of, to die for, coral cork shoes but it really didn't work wearing coral shoes with a coral outfit I looked like...well....a giant piece of red branch coral. lol.  And then I discovered the colour turquoise.

Turquoise can be described as a blueish tone of light green. The term is French/Turkish and the colour originates from the gemstone Turquoise.

Turquoise Gemstone.
Turquoise compliments coral because they are almost opposite on the colour wheel. 

The combination of the two colours is truly amazing.Take a look at how you can use coral and turquoise together:

Bright and light shades of colour, with different shades of turquoise.
Stunning! Try it out!

Let me introduce you to Royal Blue....

Royal blue originates from, well, royalty! The colour was discovered in a competition to make a dress for the British queen.This colour, however, is not really the colour we know today. This colour was a deep blue and lent towards a more azure blue. 

Queen Elizabeth II in royal blue.
However, the bright royal blue we know today was actually coined by the web, when they decided to make the royal blue used for hyper-links, a brighter version of the traditional royal blue.

Below are some photos of clothings and accessories in this awesome, fashionable colour.

Tell I just died and went to heaven...where they sell these shoes..
for really cheap?
Blazers are a staple in any wardrobe. But instead of a
boring, business looking one, how about a funky royal blue one? 

Royal blue also compliments corals and reds especially well. The darker the choice of coral the better it will look with royal blue. The lighter the coral is, the better turquoise will compliment it. 

How beautiful are these two colours together? I can't get over it! So I'm gonna get all over it

There's nothing wrong with a threesome....

Cringe! HAHA. I had to use that heading. Sorry guys, but it just goes so well with what this section is all about. Combining all three colours works superbly! Coral, Turquoise and Royal blue. What a combo! You have to try this out. 

This ring is just amazeballs!

Small accents of navy amongst coral and turquoise just give this necklace an edge.

So brighten up!!

Viva bright, happy colours. Viva!! Take a chance. Be different. Don't follow the gloomy winter trends. By dressing bright in winter, you can make people smile. Hell you might even cure the common cold! Okay, maybe not, but its worth a try. If corals, turquoise and royal blue aren't your type of colours..go for a bright colour that you feel comfortable in. Maybe yellow? Red? Green? Just as long as you don't go with grey, black, brown, plum and mustard...I will be happy and you will pass the bright challenge:)

Have a good one kids:)



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